Loyola University ChicagoFaculty Web Pages
Noah W. Sobe
Professor, History Department

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Professor Noah W. Sobe (PhD. University of Wisconsin-Madison) is Professor of Modern European History in the College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University Chicago. He works on the history of education and the futures of education and approaches stories about the past and stories about the future as two halves of the same whole—that whole being the accumulating possibilities that we as interdependent human beings in a more-than-human world can imagine and perhaps even recuperate, avoid, or create.

From 2019-2022 Professor Sobe worked as Senior Project Officer at UNESCO on the Future of Learning and Innovation team where he helped to lead the research and drafting of the UNESCO flagship report Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education. He is a past president of CIES and co-editor of the journal European Education.

Email: nsobe[at]luc.edu
Twitter @noahsobe 

Contact Information:

History Department, Loyola University Chicago
Crown Center for Research in the Humanities, 5th Floor
1032 West Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60660
Phone: (773) 508-2229
E-mail: nsobe[at]luc.edu

Loyola University Chicago Home Page
Modified: April 2, 2023